me in paris -2005, pre-mommy days. i want those arms again!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

I ventured back to body pump today. This used to be my favorite class when I lived in the heavenly city of cville. I'm praying it does for me now what it did for me then - give me great arms and abs. This go 'round I would love for it to give me pretty nice legs, too.

I squatted, lunged, curled, and crunched my way through the class. I'm sure it's starting to work its charm already seeing as how I can barely sit. Shoo, my thighs are screaming! I like to tell myself that my muscles are saying, "Hey Girl, thanks for inviting us back to the party". I'm going to keep telling myself this until they start to take shape once again. Please Lord, let chic riding boots over leggings be in style in next fall so that I may participate, too.

It's a good thing I had a great workout today, because this evening both O and B were handfuls. I almost thought I was going to lose my mind until O grabbed me rather hard by the cheeks and planted one on me telling me "i wug you, mommy", and B feel sound asleep all snuggled up with me on the sofa.

C starts his new job tomorrow. He's up in NY and I'm still in VA. We are all really excited for him, miss him madly, and can't wait to see him in a couple of weeks. Until then I'm going to keep squatting, lunging, curling, and crunching!

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