me in paris -2005, pre-mommy days. i want those arms again!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Positive Thinking

Oh, it has been so long since I've had a chance to sit and write. So much going on here in my house and life.

Well, Feb 5th has come and gone, and, no, I do not have my spray tan. I was doing so great with my work-outs and then I got the stomach flu (YUCK). Then, I had to head to NYC for the Gift Show and to CT for some house hunting. THEN, I came home to snow, snow, and more snow! Over it! Back on track now and hope to be getting that tan by Friday afternoon before an event on Sat.

I've decided to really concentrate on positive thinking for the next few weeks. My brother's wedding is coming up and, hooray for me, I found a great dress - Thank you BCBG for designing something elegant, fun, and beautiful for us post-preggers. Now, onto fixing the mindset to feeling beautiful.

#1 - Because I'm at home with 2 little boys and because I try to keep up with my business that is in another town, (yes, i used to have quite a hip, successfully full-filling life owning a gift and home accessories boutique) I don't seem to have time to blow dry my hair. Hey, at least i get a shower most days.

Anyways, my positive thought is that I have the most healthy hair I've ever had - maybe even better than when i was a little girl! Thank you Pantene Pro-V for helping me accomplish this and to Jeanie at Onyx in Salem for keeping it looking good. Yes, most days I look like wreck with my hair in headband and scrunchie - yep, a scrunchie. We certainly wouldn't want to break these new-found luscious locks with an elastic.

#2 - I don't really have a #2 yet, but I will come up with one soon.

Thankfully, I have 3 fabulous men who help me feel beautiful every day. C always tells me I'm beautiful, and O tells me he loves me "with his heart", and B just bursts into smiles every time I look at him. I'm certain that these are the only things that should matter, but if they were the ONLY things then I wouldn't be writing this blog in the first place.

Ladies, you understand, we must dig deep inside ourselves to feel strong, beautiful, smart and downright fabulous, but let's just face it, a great pair of jeans or a LBD, a great lipstick shade, drop earrings, and a dynamite pair of heels doesn't hurt either. Oh, and great hair :)!

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