me in paris -2005, pre-mommy days. i want those arms again!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jiggle and Giggle

Well, you know you're entering a new phase of life when certain things happen during your exercise class. I was able to head back to the gym this week. YES - we survived the winter and now B is feeling much better. He got tubes in his ears and we are able to head back to our local Y and have some fun!

I started a new class today - Body Attack. It's much like Body Pump, but it's all cardio. Talk about a serious work-out and sweat-fest - SHEW! This class is awesome and I just know it will help with the last few pounds. It also helped open my eyes to a few new things about MOI!

First, during the winter I took hot yoga and there are NO mirrors. I had no idea what I looked like and I grew to not care - it was fabulous! Well, hello mirrors again! Good gracious , I looked like my mother. Yes, I did! I used to make fun of my mother for some of the faces she could make when exercising and I, too, now make many of those same faces. Made me giggle!

Second, EVERYTHING and I do mean everything jiggles. Gross! This just has to stop and I'm doing my very best to make this happen. The 'hi helens' (you know the upper arm wave), the bottom abs, and the bottom were just not cooperating. We are putting an end to this immediately. I do not care for this stage at all and I refuse to go down this road any further.

Third and last, I know I have entered into crazy woman stage of life when I let out the woo-hoos during a really hard work-out. I thought this was reserved for only the really nutty, but alas, I am there. This too might just have to come to an end, but it did make me giggle as I jiggled and I had a blast in this extremely difficult class!

I must look on the bright side of things. I have decided to always end my posts and my days on a positive note and here is today's : I didn't pee my pants in class. That is an entirely different stage and I hope to never be there.

Hope you're laughing with me today!!


  1. Kelly, this is so funny. I too am part of the "woo-hoo" group. I never thought I'd be here but it helps get through the pain and misery. Glad to hear that Ben's feeling better. Thomas is getting huge and from what I can tell Ben and Oliver are too! Hope to see you soon!

  2. Hi Kelly! This made me smile so much. Esp. about looking like MY mother. I adore her, but I do NOT adore her legs. While I do not think I am fat, bathing suit season is right around the corner, and I'm sure you remember the Farmington crowd....
    Miss you bunches, and keep up the great work. You are beautiful inside AND out!!!
